Knife Deep Dive: Kershaw Dividend Composite
Knife Deep Dive: Kershaw Dividend Composite
Back in our shop: the Kershaw Dividend.
What kind of model is the Kershaw Dividend Composite?
This is an established model of the American brand. Designed as a slightly slimmer and more comfortable carry version of the popular Link series, the Dividend utilizes some of the Link's most advanced features.
What are the properties of the Kershaw Dividend Composite?
Some of those features include hard-anodized aluminum handle shells with a four-way positionable deep-carry pocket clip and Kershaw's Speedsafe spring-assisted opening technology. With the flipper tab, the blade is easy to unfold, after which the spring takes over and the sturdy liner lock clicks into place, making the blade easy and safe to deploy and ready to use when work needs to be done!
What Makes the Kershaw Dividend Composite Special?
What makes this particular version of the Dividend so special is Kershaw's patented Composite Blade Technology, which allows the manufacturer to combine the best properties of two blade steels. The top half of this composite blade consists of N690 for optimal corrosion resistance in the closed (carrying) position and CPM D2 in the bottom half for maximum edge retention. Smart right? And all this is permanently fused together by a tooth-like permanently brazed composite construction.
View the Kershaw Dividend Composite here
Made in Kershaw's Tualatin, Oregon manufacturing facility, it's built to last!